At Deira International School (DIS), Key Stage 4 students follow the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum, with certain subjects assessed through the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) framework. This programme, covering Years 10 and 11, prepares students for globally recognised qualifications. By the end of Year 11, students will sit external examinations that assess their knowledge and skills.
The curriculum at DIS includes compulsory subjects for all students, ensuring a broad and balanced education. These subjects are:
- IGCSE English Language and IGCSE English Literature
- IGCSE Mathematics (with two pathway options)
- GCSE Science (with two pathway options)
- Core Physical Education (PE)
- National Studies, including Social Studies and Moral Education
- Islamic Education (for Muslim students) or Integrated Studies
- Ministry Arabic A (studied in both Years 10 and 11, and beyond at IB) or Ministry Arabic B (studied until the end of Year 10)
Arabic passport holders are required to study Ministry Arabic A.
In addition to these core subjects, students select up to four Option Subjects from a wide range of offerings, allowing them to personalise their learning according to their interests and strengths. Arabic passport holders will select three Option Subjects, as they are required to study Ministry Arabic A.
This structure ensures that students will study a minimum of seven IGCSE or GCSE subjects, with the potential to achieve more qualifications, especially for those pursuing an accelerated pathway in Mathematics and Science, including the Triple Science pathway.
Controlled assessments are a feature of some GCSE subjects. These involve both class and home preparation, but are completed under exam conditions. They are marked by teachers and then externally moderated by the examination boards. All controlled assessments must be completed before the final exams.
The overall aim of the programme is to provide students with the qualifications, skills, and experience needed for university and the world of work. With support from both home and school, DIS ensures that students can reach their full potential throughout these key academic years.
5 GCSEs at grades A* – C are often used as a benchmark of reasonable attainment for students with many expecting English Language and Mathematics to be included. We set aspirational and realistic targets with our students which ensure that the vast majority achieve well in excess of average attainment.
Some exams have tiered papers. The terms “Foundation” tier is used to describe exams in which the highest grade that can be gained is a C or 5. “Higher” indicates that grades A* to E or 9 to 3 can be achieved. The grading system is explained on the diagram below:
Useful Websites, Further Reading
AQA Examination Board | |
Cambridge Examination Board | |
UK University Applications and Courses Guide | |
Choosing Subjects | |
Choosing Subjects | https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/information/yourchoices-at-14 |
Careers Website | |
Higher Education options in Europe |