Independent Learning Platform – Years 10 &11 (Key Stage 4)


Independent Learning Platform

At Key Stage 4, the nature and depth of the GCSE study means that there is a need for additional but personalised home learning which depending on the subject, will be set regularly.   However, we also know that some students will want to go further and deeper into subjects that they enjoy or a subject they want to perform better in.  We also know that the teacher will want certain students to spend more time on particular topics if they have fallen behind, need more practice, or prepare in advance for a lesson.  With that in mind, we have assembled an Independent Learning Platform for students to use throughout each term to supplement their studies. The site illustrates what students are learning in class to help parents guide and direct their child to learning they can do at home. This will help students to go deeper into a subject of their choice.

On the site, there are links to a range of multimedia resources for further study.  Each half term there is a ‘Golden Ticket’ task set.   Students will receive a ‘Golden Ticket’ (worth 10 House Points) if they are successful in completing the task. 

We expect all students to use the Independent Learning Platform extensively throughout the year, but its use is facilitated through student choice and parent and teacher guidance/intervention.

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What happens if a student falls behind in a subject or is not meeting the academic standards we expect?

  1. The teacher will inform the respective parents by email or phone that they are seeing underperformance and why this is the case.
  2. The teacher will sign-post them to the relevant section of the Independent Learning Site to work on areas of weakness.
  3. The teacher may also invite them to a subject intervention session either at lunch or after school so that additional guidance can be given to narrow gaps in this under-performance.