Information and Communication Technology encourages learners to develop lifelong skills, including; understanding and using applications, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to solve problems, analysing, designing, implementing, testing and evaluating ICT systems, ensuring that they are fit for purpose, understanding the implications of technology in society, including social, economic and ethical uses. Awareness of the ways ICT can help in home, learning and work environments. A balance of theory and practical skills thorough knowledge and understanding of a subject and help to develop the skills students need for their next steps in education or employment.


The course will cover a wide range of units which aims are to develop; knowledge of ICT including new and emerging technologies, autonomous and discerning use of ICT, skills to enhance work produced in a range of contexts, skills to analyse, design, implement, test and evaluate ICT systems, skills to consider the impact of current and new technologies on methods of working in the outside world and on social, economic, ethical and moral issues, ICT-based solutions to solve problems, the ability to recognise potential risks when using ICT, and use safe, secure and responsible practice.

HOW WILL YOU BE ASSESSED                           


Paper 1 Theory

Paper 2 Document Production, Databases and Presentations

Paper 3 Spreadsheets and Website Authoring


1 hour 30 minutes

2 hours 15 minutes

2 hours 15 minutes


80 marks

70 marks

70 marks

Syllabus sections examined


11-16, 17, 18, 19

11-16, 20, 21


  • ICT provides opportunities to promote enterprise and entrepreneurial skills through the process of identifying an opportunity to design a system to meet a specific need, developing their own system and finally evaluating the whole process. Tasks linked to the practical elements provide opportunities to develop independent thinking skills, through candidates identifying relevant sources of information and developing specific performance criteria for their designs to guide their thinking.
  • The course provides a good foundation for further study at IB (ITGS) and university courses.

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