English Language & English Literature

English Pathway

Students follow the Oxford AQA pathway to gain two IGCSEs in Language and Literature. Students will submit one piece of coursework only for the iGCSE English Literature course, with the rest of the Literature course, and the whole Language course, being assessed through external examinations. In both courses there is an increased emphasis on the technical accuracy of students’ writing.

All students will study Language in Year 10, sitting the final examination in the summer exam series at the end of the year. Students will then study Literature, completing the one piece of coursework at the end of Year 10 and  studying exam content throughout Year 11, in which they will sit the final exam at the end of the year in the summer exam series. Students receive two separate IGCSE qualifications.

English Language


Subject Aim:

In IGCSE English Language we aim to develop students’ communication skills across the disciplines of reading, writing and spoken language. Through the topics and tasks completed over the two-year course, students are exposed to a range of perspectives, viewpoints, genres and text types which support them in building their empathy, analytical and imagination skills. By the end of their study, students’ English skills and critical skills are well prepared to support them as they progress into post-16 education and beyond.

What you will study:

Students will complete the English Language IGCSE over the course of two years, sitting their final examinations at the end of Year 11. Over the course, students develop skills in preparation for two examination papers. The exam papers require students to develop inference, analysis and comparison skills to effectively understand and interpret contemporary and historical fiction and non-fiction texts which explore a range of text types presenting opinions, experiences and locations from across the world. Students learn how to analyse the construction of these texts and write in a similar style.

How will you be assessed:

Students undertake two examinations in Year 11; Paper 1 is worth 60% of the final IGCSE grade, whilst Paper 2 is worth 40% of the final IGCSE grade. Within the paper, half of the marks are awarded for their successful analysis of unseen texts, the other half of the marks are awarded for the ability to complete an extended creative writing task.

What this subject can lead to:

  • Media and journalism, translation, digital copywriting, teaching and education, linguistics, proof-reader, editorial writer, law, publishing.

English Literature

Subject Aim:

The English Literature iGSCE course exposes students to a range of set texts which are engaging, popular and accessible. Students will experience texts written by a diverse range of writers and poets and will encompass poetry, prose and drama. The literature course develops a broad range of deep skills including: the ability to engage with to read and respond to a wide range of literary texts from around the world; the appreciation of the ways in which writers use literary effects and develop the skills needed for literary study; the ability to explore the writer’s use of language to create effects and find enjoyment in reading literature.

What you will study:

Students will complete one piece of coursework in Year 10 and sit two final examinations at the end of Year 11. Both the coursework and exam papers require students to read and analyse texts deeply, exploring the different methods that writers and poets use to convey their ideas about the societies they live(d) in. The texts include ‘Of Mice and Men’, ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ and ‘An Inspector Calls’, alongside an anthology of poems provided by the exam board.

How will you be assessed:

Students complete one piece of coursework in Year 10, worth 20% of their final grade. In order to best prepare for their coursework, students may submit one draft to their teacher and receive feedback before completing and submitting a final draft. Students will also sit two examination papers at the end of Year 11. Each paper is worth 40% of the students’ final grade. Marks are awarded for the analysis and evaluation of a range of methods used by the writers and poets, as well as making connections between the texts and the contexts that they were written in.

What this subject can lead to:

  • Media and journalism, publishing, law, public sector, teaching and education, linguistics.


Overarching topic


Learning Resources

Half Term 1

Year 10

Composition Writing – Language Paper 1

·          Understanding methods of effective imaginative writing

·          Applying features of genre and creative writing techniques to their own writing

·          Writing a creative and imaginative description or short story


Students will complete a summative assessment using exam-style tasks.


This unit will also be assessed in the end of year exams.


All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 2

Year 10

Of Mice and Men – Literature Coursework

·          Analysis and exploration of key themes and characters

·          Discussion and analysis of Steinbeck’s language and techniques

·          Linking the text to the context in which it was written

Students will produce an analytical essay which explores the writer’s methods, ideas and messages about society of the time.

This will be written throughout the half term and will be marked internally, contributing to 20% of the final English Literature grade.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 3

Year 10

Literary Non-Fiction – Language Paper 1

·          Analysing how writers use language and structure to create effects and communicate a viewpoint or idea

·          Reading a range of unseen texts about a variety of different topics to understand form, structure and purpose

·          Developing inference skills


Students will complete a summative assessment using a past exam paper.


This unit will also be assessed in the end of year exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 4

Year 10

Poetry Anthology – Literature

·          Analysis and exploration of key themes and ideas

·          Discussion and analysis of the poets’ use of language and structural techniques

·          Developing comparison skills



This unit will be assessed in the end of year exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 5

Year 10

Source-Based Reading and Writing to Argue and Persuade – Language Paper 2

·          Reading of texts relating to modern world themes and issues

·          Understanding, analysing and comparing how methods are used to convey writers’ ideas

·          Understanding and applying methods of effective argue and persuade writing

·          Writing to argue and/or persuade based on a range of issues and in an imaginative way






This unit will be assessed in the end of year exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 6

Year 10

Unseen Poetry – Literature

·          A selection of unseen poetry studied

·          Understanding of poetic techniques

·          Analysis skills for unseen texts

·          Frames in which to respond to poetry


Students will complete a formative assessment using exam-style tasks.


All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.


Overarching topic


Learning Resources

Half Term 1

Year 11

An Inspector Calls – Literature

·          Analysis and exploration of key themes and characters

·          Discussion and analysis of Priestley’s language and dramatic techniques

·          Linking the text to the context in which it was written


Students will complete a formative assessment using exam-style tasks.


This unit will also be assessed in the mock exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 2

Year 11

Source-Based Reading and Writing to Argue and Persuade – Language Paper 2

·          Reading of texts relating to modern world themes and issues

·          Understanding, analysing and comparing how methods are used to convey writers’ ideas

·          Understanding and applying methods of effective argue and persuade writing

·          Writing to argue and/or persuade based on a range of issues and in an imaginative way




Students will complete a formative assessment using a past exam paper.


This unit will also be assessed in the mock exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 3 and 4

Year 11

To Kill A Mockingbird – Literature

·          Analysis and exploration of key themes and characters

·          Discussion and analysis of Lee’s language and structural techniques

·          Linking the text to the context in which it was written



This unit will also be assessed in the mock exams.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 5

Year 11

Poetry Anthology – Literature

·          Analysis and exploration of key themes and ideas

·          Discussion and analysis of the poets’ use of language and structure techniques

·          Developing comparison skills



Exam style questions completed in exam conditions in lessons.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.

Half Term 5

Year 11

Exam Preparation – Language and Literature


Analysis, inference and knowledge-based tasks completed throughout the half term for all units across both qualifications.


Exam style questions completed in exam conditions in lessons.

All PowerPoints and resources are shared on Teams by the class teacher.


Half Term 6

Year 11