

The language A: language and literature course introduces students to the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non literary text-types. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption.

The course is organized into three areas of exploration and seven central concepts, and focuses on the study of both literary or non-literary texts. Together, the three areas of exploration of the course allow the student to explore the language A in question through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and also the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy.

The aims of English A: language and literature is to enable students to:

  1. engage with a range of texts, in a variety of media and forms, from different periods, styles, and cultures
  2. develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting and performing
  3. develop skills in interpretation, analysis and evaluation
  4. develop sensitivity to the formal and aesthetic qualities of texts and an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple meanings
  5. develop an understanding of relationships between texts and a variety of perspectives, cultural contexts, and local and global issues and an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple meanings
  6. develop an understanding of the relationships between studies in language and literature and other disciplines
  7. communicate and collaborate in a confident and creative way
  8. foster a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of language and literature.

Please click on the arrow for a detailed breakdown:

Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional DetailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
Paper 1: Visual TextsHow do writers use visual methods alongside linguistic devices to convey their thoughts and ideas about different global issues?Range of non-fiction and literary texts analysed                            Links to Global Issues explored                                                            Non-fiction/media terminology                                                       Practice examination questions
Assessment: Paper 1
3 weeksOpen-minded
IO: The World’s WifeTo what extent can Literature reduce inequalities and injustices in the world?Introduction to gender inequality and context of the poet                                                                Analysis and study of poems from The World’s Wife                                                                                                   Analysis of moving image and/or animation – Analysis of Liza Donnelly cartoons and/or #MeToo movement PSAs                           
Assessment: Practice IO                                                
6 weeksBalanced                         Communicator
Paper 2 Gender: A Doll’s HouseHow does our understanding of context, time and space alter our perspective on the writer’s purpose and success?Context – issues of gender in Victorian Europe    
Analysis and study of A Doll’s House                                                                                                        Assessment: Paper 2 (non-comparison)                     
10 weeksPrincipled                      Knowledgeable
Paper 2 Race: Othello ORWhat role do writer’s play in exposing society’s prejudices and injustices?Context – attitudes to race               
Analysis and study of Othello                                                                                                                                                           Assessment: Paper 2    
9 weeksOpen minded
Risk Taker
Paper 1:  Language-based TextsHow do writers use linguistic devices to convey their thoughts and ideas about different global issues?Range of non-fiction and literary texts analysed                            Links to Global Issues explored                                                            Non-fiction terminology                                                       Practice examination questions
Assessment: Paper 1
3 weeksInquirer
IO: Gender or RaceTo what extent can Literature reduce inequalities and injustices in the world?Revision and analysis of A Doll’s House or Othello
Analysis of moving image and/or animation – Analysis of Liza Donnelly Race cartoons or Nike adverts
Exploring global issues                          
Assessment: Practice IO                                                
6 weeksCommunicator
Risk Taker
Unit / Block of workKey Episodes / QuestionsAdditional detailsLength of time.Learner Attribute(s)
IO PracticeHow does the learning and discussing of global issues help us to become better citizens?                                                                                                            Analysis of literary and non-literary BOW
Exploring global issues
Assessment: Practice IO
3 weeksCommunicator
Paper 1: Visual TextsHow do writers’ linguistic, structural and presentational choices communicate meaning?Recap of skills required                                                                    Range of non-fiction and literary texts analysed                            Links to Global Issues explored                                                            Non-fiction/media terminology                                                       Practice examination questions                                        Assessment: Paper 1 mock                                                               4 weeksKnowledgeable                   Inquirer                           Principled
Paper 2 RevisionHow do writers of Literature invite readers to empathise with different situations?Recap of skills required                                                                   Revision of literary terminology                                                          Revision of texts for Paper 2                                                            Practice examination questions                                      Assessment: Paper 2 mock5 weeksReflective                       Balanced                          Communicator
IO FinalHow does the learning and discussing of global issues help us to become better citizens?                                                                                                            Analysis of literary and non-literary BOW
Exploring global issues
Assessment: Final IO
5 weeksCommunicator
Risk Taker
The Great GatsbyDo capitalist ideals create an unequal society?Introduction to context — 1920s USA          
Analysis and study of The Great Gatsby                                        Non Literary BOW on American Dream                                         Paper 2 skills                                                                      Assessment: Paper 2
9 weeksReflective                      Risk-Taker
RevisionHow do writers’ linguistic, structural and presentational choices communicate meaning?
How do literary texts effectively communicate the authors’ intentions and contexts?
Revision of Paper 1
Revision of Paper 2
Practice exam questions
Assessment: Final IB examinations
3 weeksReflective